Dear Addilyn, You have been such a sweet girl the past few days. Momma and Aunt Karrie took you kiddos to the zoo on Saturday and you had the best time. You sat in your stroller, enjoyed the animals and never fussed one time. We even rode the train and then I put you back into the stroller and you were fine. This may not seem that big of a deal to any other momma but, lets just say you have been a little difficult of a baby in the past. Then, yesterday at church you did very well. Momma stayed with you in the nursery but at least we actually stayed until church was over. Well, actually Daddy did leave with you after Sunday School but that was because Momma had to keep the baby nursery. we went to visit your Nana and Pepaw and Granny and Papa and you were so SWEET. I don't think we have ever visited them without you fussing ALOT. I told Daddy on the way home that I think you are turning a corner. I hope so. I'd love ya anyways but it will sure be nice to be able to go places and enjoy our time. I really think that you are getting older and understanding more which makes you more happy. Now your Tigger movie is over and it's time to go outside and swim. Momma loves you sweet girl.
P.S. We lost Strut and Gladys (2 of our chickens) Daddy buried Gladys in the field. Strut was never found. It's ok though. Daddy has a trap set and that killer coon better watch out!!
P.S.S We made another trip to the storm cellar this week. Just had to add that since you've been to the storm cellar more times than you have Wal-Mart.
I may not be able to take you on far away vacations, but I will be here every morning went you wake up. I may not buy you the most fancy clothes, but I'll sure let you get the ones you have muddy. I may not always have the answers, but I'll pray everyday for God to show me how to raise you. As you grow up you'll see that we just live a simple life, enjoying what we have, moment by moment, because in the blink of an eye it could all be gone.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Party with Mickey and Minnie
Dear Addilyn, You recently attended a birthday party for 2 sisters from church. You loved this particular ball pit play thing.

This one you weren't so sure about...
Eating 1 of the 4 main Food Groups- Birthday Cake!
And the best part....Mickey and Minnie Mouse! I was so shocked that you weren't afraid of them. You LOVED them!
Check out Momma's great photography skills...ha! I was trying to get a pic you admiring were running and giggling like crazy!
I didn't even get a pic of the birthday kiddos...too busy chasing you around. We had fun and I'm thankful to the Fortner family for inviting us.
Love you, Momma
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I Hate Allergies
Dear Addilyn, We have had a rough couple of days and nights because of your allergies. Poor thing. You have coughed until you've thrown up. I've been giving you all kinds of cough medicine along with Zyrtec that you've had daily for about 2 months. Yesterday I took you to the doctor and got some prescription allergy medicine- Singulair. Hope this works! You are just miserable, especially at night. You have gained 2 pounds since we were there last on March 29th. You now weigh 26 lbs and are just over 33 inches tall. AND, I found a 20 dollar bill laying out in the parking lot! Woo hoo! No cars close by so I assumed it was God's blessing!! :) I'm thankful because I need to give my cousin a graduation gift. Speaking of this cousin, I use to babysit him during the summers when he was 1 and 2. One day he was standing behind my mom's coffee table "preaching". He would say "nuh nuh nuuuhhh NUH NUHHHH!" Then he would turn around and say "Dats whut Jesus says". I asked him who taught him how to preach and he said "Tim" who is our Preacher cousin. I wrote all that down with the date and kept it but, looked last night and couldn't find it. I wanted to give him that along with his graduation card. Maybe it will turn up someday. Oh yea, yesterday when we got home from the doctor your Daddy was outside working in the garden and you had so much fun running through the water sprinkler. Daddy said you looked like a drownd rat. That probably didn't help the allergy problem being outside running around but oh well. Gotta go, Love you, Momma
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Mother's Day 2011
The day you made me a Momma. 10/27/09
Dear Addilyn, You gave me my very first Mother's Day present tonight and it was so very sweet. It was a cute card with a puppy dog on it. You know Momma loves puppy dogs we just can't have one because you are allergic. Daddy even tried to get you to sign your name. Technically last year was my 1st Mother's Day but I guess you were too little to shop. ha. (Daddy said he's trying to do better) Thank you Sweetie. Momma loves you!
How Coupons Cost Me 5 Bucks in Gas and I Got Nothing
Dear Addilyn, your momma is always trying to save money. Well lately since watching Extreme Couponing I jumped on the band wagon too. It seemed pretty simple. Get coupons, compare sales, make a list, and go shopping. So there I was laying in my bathroom floor with the door shut (because when I was laying in the kitchen floor you were sitting on my back) and all my coupons spread out. Writing down what was on sale and what I had coupons for....finally I had my list. Daddy and I got you to sleep and put to bed. It was 10pm. Daddy thought I was crazy for going out that late but I was excited. Excited because I was going to buy up many things we would use and save lots of money AND I was actually going to town by myself. I love you and all but it gets old pushing a full buggy of groceries and carrying a 27 pound baby on my hip. I grabbed my list, my coupons, and my purse. I purse I rarely EVER carry because you are always with me and I just keep my wallet in your diaper bag. (see where this is going??) I drive to town listening to the radio instead of the Baby Nursery Rhymes dvd playing. I go into Walgreens and start shopping. Filled up my buggy with bath soaps, razors, tp, Mothers Day cards and 2 gallons of milk because it was on sale for $2.99!! I'm feeling pretty good about myself. Sure, it's late, I'm tired but I just kept thinking of all the money I was saving. I stand in line. Yes, there was a line at 11pm. Put my items on the counter. Reach for my wallet. Oh No! Where's my WALLET??? Who stole my wallet? This can't be happening. I gather my items off the counter and tell the person behind me to go in front. I look everywhere through that purse that I never carry. I shamelessly go put my $2.99/gallon milk back in the cooler and ask the check out lady if I could put my buggy somewhere because I didn't have my wallet. I leave empty handed. The drive home wasn't as enjoyable. I don't even think I listened to the radio. Just kept thinking what a putz I was. Got home at 11:30pm, slipped into your room very quietly, got the diaper bag and sure enough, there was my wallet. I learned a few things from this..... #1. Your always with me and you should be. #2. Going shopping late at night when your Daddy says it's ok but I really know he'd rather me stay home is a bad idea. #3. Walgreens is out of most of the sales items that they have coupons for, I think it's a ploy to get you in there #4. I'm not really saving money when gas is $4.00 a gallon and I'm making a special trip into town to "save money". To top this story off I called Walgreens the next morning to see if they still had my buggy, I mean, I did spend a lot of time making my list and shopping so I could have gone back and paid for my items....but, they had already put everything up. Oh well......listen learned.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Dear Addilyn, You are 18 months old and you have been down in the storm cellar more times than you have been inside a restaraunt. On Monday night we were all at Grandma Teen's in the storm cellar when a tornado hit close by. So thankful we are all ok.
Uncle Rick raised the door and stuck his head out a bit and heard it. He looked at my Dad and said something like I think it went over your way Brother. They left out to go check but the roads were blocked with trees and no one could get down there.
Here is Ryano's fourwheeler.
Your Aunt Kimmy, Aunt Karrie, and Papa and Mamaw's houses all had damage.
But, everything is fixable or can be replaced.
The important thing is we are all ok. Driving around we have seen some poor people who have literally lost EVERYTHING. Just this evening I was serving food at our church to familys who have nothing left. One little girl who was very sun burned told me she didn't want to go back there and work tomorrow (in their pile of rubble-digging for belongings) because she was so tired. She and her brother and sisters were inside their home when it was blown away. Imagine those little kids trying to go to sleep at night...
I've been thinking about that song...
"God will make this trial a blessing, though it sends me to my knees, though the tears flow like a river yet in Him there's sweet relief, there's no need to be discouraged, there's no need to talk defeat, God will make this trial a blessing, just be patient you will see."
I'm thankful for you, I'm thankful for God's protection, and I'm thankful for storm cellars.
Love you, Momma
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